The Benefits of Helical Piles

Helical piles, also referred to as helical piers or screw piles, are steel shafts with a series of helical plates made from steel. These plates give the helical pile system compression and tension supporting ability; enabling them to be utilized for a myriad of projects including residential, commercial and environmental. Helical piles can be used for the restoration of existing structures without impacting usability due to a small work footprint. These systems are additionally ideal for remote construction sites as the mobilization of parts is so easy.
Whether you need to ensure the integrity of a landscape or older structure, or correct problems with an aging home foundation – helical piles are the answer to your problems. Safe, cheap, easy and highly effective are what makes these systems so popular. We’ve gone into detail on some of the benefits this product has to offer, though the list continues on. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any more questions, or for a free quote!
Fast Installation
Due to their size, helical piles don’t require special equipment such as cranes to be transported. Installation is exceptionally quick and easy, and is not dependent on weather. Moreover, helical piles and anchor systems are unique when it comes to other types of foundation systems, as there is no wait time for concrete or other materials to set or harden. Helical pile systems can be loaded immediately after they are installed.
Environmentally Friendly
Unlike other types of foundation construction, helical piles come with the advantage of minimal-to-no site damage. Screw pile systems don’t require soil cutting, which keeps the site location clean and intact. Because the installation process is so simple and heavy-duty equipment isn’t required, the production of construction vibration is borderline nonexistent – a must have for some environmentally sensitive areas. Screw piles can even be installed and left in place for years, then removed and reused at another site leaving little to no impact on the original area.
Array of Functionality
Helical pile systems are traditionally installed vertically, but this does not define their limitations. What makes these systems so versatile is their ability to be rearranged to several orientations to fit the needs of any project. Helical piles can be installed horizontally to assist in earth-retaining projects, and easily fitted for lateral loading. Additionally, state-of-the-art technology of helical piles allows them to be easily configured to increase load capacity, by simply adding helical plates to the process.
Cost Savings
Due to easy transportation and mobility, as well as short installation time, helical pile systems are a major money saver. The helical pile installation process also reduces mess and additional project clean up. There is no threat to long-term spending either, as virtually no maintenance or upkeep is required. Moreover, these systems are reusable, recyclable and transferable, adding to both economic and environmentally friendliness.