6 Ways to Spice Up a Boring Chain Link Fence

When you picture your dream home, what sort of fence surrounds your yard? We’re willing to bet it falls somewhere on the spectrum of a classic white picket or modern wooden fence. Your picture-perfect yard probably doesn’t include a chain link fence. But, if a chain link fence turns out to be your most inexpensive option, or you’ve purchased a property that came with one, there is hope for you yet! Turns out, chain link fences are incredible canvases, giving you the opportunity to transform a drab and dreary fence into something incredible. We’ve come up with our six favorite ideas for upgrading your chain link fence. If you have any questions about a project, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Go Natural
Unlike a wooden or picket fence, a chain link fence doesn’t blend as well into a natural setting. If you’re unhappy with the way your chain link fence offsets your otherwise picture-perfect yard, consider incorporating vines and flowers through the fence. You’ll be surprised at how easily the fence seemingly disappears into the background, transforming your perimeter into a magical botanic wall. Consider utilizing plants that bloom relatively fast, like jasmine or crossvine.
Give it a Weave
Using yarn or ribbon, you can weave just about anything into a chain link fence. Giving your fence a weave is where creativity comes in handy. Pick out a myriad of colors and map out a design. We like the idea of a handful of cross-stitched hearts or paw prints for an ornamental touch, but you can weave the entirety of your fence for a beautiful mosaic finish. Fence weaving is a great DIY project for the whole family to get in on, especially the kids!
Your Inexpensive Solution to a Wooden Fence
OK, maybe you never really wanted a chain link fence in the first place. Maybe you always envisioned a home with an elegant wooden fence, but your property came with a chain link perimeter or it was simply just less expensive. You can turn your boring chain link fence into a private wooden one for a fairly low cost! Your chain link fence acts as the existing foundation. You can incorporate horizontal wooden planks and vertical posts to completely hide the metal, or you can insert bamboo panels for a unique, tropical finish. We recommend contacting your local fencing contractor for information on the best ways to transform your chain link fence into a wooden one.
Easy Breezy Privacy
If you’re simply looking for a way to add privacy to your chain link fence, look no further than plastic slats. Perhaps the most economical options for upgrading your fence, these functional strips of plastic simply insert through the links in your fence, with no additional installation required. You can opt for different sizes depending on how much privacy you want, and they make it more difficult for animals and intruders to scale your fence. Choose a single color for a streamline look, or incorporate multiple colors for an artsy finish!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Another project for those right brain dominate, incorporating old materials or objects into a chain-link fence gives you endless options for design. Use strips of old t-shirts to tie intricate hand-woven designs into a fence, or cut the tops off old water bottles to transform your fence into an urban garden (you can do the same thing with mason jars). Have a few hundred pairs of old skis lying around? Try this slope-style inspired fence. Or, simply decorate wooden panels for a similar look (that’s probably easier to accomplish). Do you store your Christmas lights for 11 months out of the year? Get your money’s worth by weaving them into your chain link fence for year-round ambiance! Bottom line, the possibilities are endless.
Make It Lacey
The lace fence may just be our favorite. Chic and stylish, the lacey fence is so great because it doesn’t aim to hide your chain link fence; it transforms it into something elegant –almost like a giant doily. You can literally choose from hundreds of designs –give your fence a feminine touch, modern flare, or create a scene. While there are some DIY articles on the Internet on how to create your own lace fence, the companies that have the practice nailed down seem to keep their secrets to themselves. We recommend going through the pros, but if you’re feeling really creative, here’s a great tutorial to get you started!